When The Stuffed Animals Disappeared

I don't remember the exact day it happened but once upon a time my bedroom growing up was this magical place filled with stuffed animals, Barbies, a swing, a Strawberry Shortcake bedspread and all sorts of things a little girl could dream of. 

Then one day, I got one of those teen magazines - like Bop or Big Bopper with teenage pictures of Jonathan Brandis, Eddie Furlong, Kris Kross and a fury came over me. I tore down the ET posters, moved my stuffed animals into the corner and put pictures up around my room of my teen idol crushes. 

I wasn't quite finished with playing with my Barbies - that lasted probably until the end of summer before junior high school but I knew something had changed. I was no longer a little girl and at that time I was very cognizant of this fact and determined to establish my independence and individuality upon the world. 

Kids, eh? 


  1. Ah, yes....I remember those days, even though my teen years were before yours. I remember having a crush on Donny Osmond and David Cassidy. :) Sweet post, thanks so much for sharing. :)

  2. The stuffed animals stayed in my room until I got married, and beyond. But then, half of them were from teen friends or boys, so I suppose that makes sense. Growing up is strange business indeed.


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