Year Two

I did it again. I continued my tradition of putting on my wedding dress on our anniversary - May 1: Year Two Babies! - to get my money's worth. Brian was such a sweetheart. He woke up early to make me breakfast (since I go to work before he does) and had a cute menu printed out for me to choose my items from. He also met me at my lunch break to hang out and we enjoyed a lovely dinner at the restaurant we went to last year (The Odyssey) then relaxed at home. I enjoyed prancing around in my dress and reliving the moment. My anniversary was beautiful, lovely and even though I had to work, it didn't feel like a regular work day because my "cutie pie, reasons why" came to see me.

When we have around twenty anniversaries under our belt, I'll make a book, photo album or something cool with the photos.

On another note - the order of the songs has been chosen for my album! Hurray! We are still working on the one song and although I don't have an ETA, I do know that it will be finished sometime this year. Until then, here's a little sneak peak of my elevenset:

1. No More Fear
2. Inside of You
3. Just Say
4. That's How I Feel
5. In My Evolution
6. Delusional
7. Life Between living
8. Why Do I
9. One
10. What Must It Take
11. Union Station


  1. You know, I love your tradition. I think I might so something like that too...better use of my dress than sitting in the closet!

  2. What a wonderful tradition! And your wedding dress is beautiful...just like the bride. Wishing you both many more happy years together.

  3. Oh Congratulations on your second. I love the wearing the wedding gown thing. I could never fit back into mine after 35 years:) You look beautiful B

  4. Hi Shaharoh. What a beautiful wedding dress. I love your tradition of wearing it on your anniversary, that’s so romantic! Your husband is a romantic, too. So sweet about the breakfast and menu. Happy Anniversary to both of you!

  5. Congrats on your anniversary, It's an amazing tradition, I applaud it...and you look delightful in your dress...Congrats and to many beautiful and magical years together.

  6. That's a great tradition that I think more brides should pick up on! Rekindle the love with the dress! Btw it looks great on you.

  7. Very nice blog you hhave here


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