Friday Night Music
On Frida
y night, my music collaborator and I (aka Brian lmao) got back into the studio. We recorded one of five tracks my old drummer, Kevin, is going to play on. There will be a total of twelve songs on this album. It was fun because even though I was a bit rusty playing the keyboard, I was having such a great time drinking my wine. Time seemed to stop and I forgot everything about that day and the past week that plagued me. After we recorded the piano part, we ran through a set with Brian on acoustic guitar and me on vocals. Boy were we rusty! But - and of course, there is a but - singing and playing again was like home. It is what we were and are supposed to be doing...where we belong. This week, we have another track to lay down. At the end of the month, we will record the drums with Kevin. It's quite exciting! The only thing I'm afraid of is not finishing. For me, this is a chance to not just record some songs, but to actually have an official CD with artwork, liner notes and songs mixed the way I want them to sound. It's untitled at the moment and will have a mixture of genres since Brian and I are influenced by the same and different types of music. On my end, there will be some piano-based songs, a few electronica-style ones and some surprises. Brian is awesome at composing songs on guitar that have complicated yet beautiful chords. We don't always agree on everything - don't get me wrong -it can be like Julia Child and Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen. But after we reach a happy medium and the song en
compasses all the colors we have painted it with, I feel very much like the boy in The Alchemist, following my personal legend. When I hit the stage again, I'll be realizing it.

You can do it!